Thursday, January 9, 2014

40 Oz. To Freedom - Sublime

The defining album of Sublimes roots, I believe 40 oz. to freedom to be a very unique album. It is filled with everything that makes Sublime a sublime music experience. It has elements of rock and ska, individually and in great unison; which was what Sublime had perfected in their great, but short run. I found this album after hearing the classic "Badfish" on the radio, an amazing and sentimental song.

This Album has noteworthy song like, as previously mentioned, Badfish, an inexplicably emotional song, and Date Rape, a ska/rock song about a loser that can only get off to... well, rape. The song is much less dark than you think. Another good song is a bonus that I found titled "Bonus Track 1" that I can't seem to find anywhere on YouTube. At any rate, it is a good album that deserves a listen by any Sublime fan.

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